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Wacky Wet Clothing Forum

In the interest of decency please keep your clothes on while in the water. Here you can wear your wet clothes, relax with others, share wet ideas and meet wet friends. Please keep our forum clean and on topic. Keep your postings rated U, acceptable for all audiences. Avoid text all in CAPITALS. If your new message doesn't show up, press your [Reload] button.

DO NOT feed the trolls. They can bite. Their IP number gets logged. Do not respond to fools or your messages get deleted too. Whenever this page gets too big, messages 20 and beyond as well as off-topic or insulting messages get deleted from the list. Enjoy your stay!
Your Felix

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  1. new fouam - matt 05:34:02 7/01/2024 (0)
  2. Spending many hours soaked in public - Dolby1000 18:13:47 6/29/2024 (5)
  3. Summer Sea Swimming near Brighton UK - Stefan 21:05:26 6/28/2024 (0)
  4. Plumbing Test - Felix 11:11:04 6/28/2024 (1)
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