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Wet in publlic (continued)

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Posted by Twillin on June 30, 2024 at 14:17:25
from IP# Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:107.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/107.0

in Reply to: Spending many hours soaked in public posted by Dolby1000 on June 29, 2024 at 18:13:47:

One time when I had more time than I do now me went fountain hopping every few weeks or so in central London. I would jump into one fountain and get soaked then walk to the next fountain and jump into that one and get soaked again and so on all over London. Some fountains were good to play in as you would see kids and teens play and get soggy in them without any problems. I will call them “Soggy hot spots”. Other fountains are not to be played in so it was just a quick jump in then out to stay soggy to the next one. As my football or trackys drip all over the footpath or road making a wet trail hundreds of people would just walk by me or at best a few might have a quick look at me as they pass by me. As my mission was to get wet I would only have my house keys and a little bit of money with me. Part of my route would be jump into Joy Of Life Fountain (east side of Hyde Park next to A4202 Park Lane). This is a good fountain to play in spend a while soaking my football kit. Continue my walk dripping north to Marble Arch. Jump into the Marble Arch Fountain (north east corner of Hyde Park inside west of roundabout) and lay down in the water to refill my football kit then quickly out again. Continue my walk dripping east A40 Oxford Street passing by loads of people shopping. I only stop to sit down and have a Mac yuck yuck meal. The staff are way to busy to take any notice of me. I would continue my real soggy London fountain monopoly game moving from one fountain to the next all day. Did not find GO but also did not land on Go To Jail. Have been in fountains in other citys as I find them.

In the UK notes are now plastic so no more soggy money to give to the clerk. The coins have not changed to plastic yet and might still go rusty when wet. In heavy rain with everyone soaked shops and railway station staff accept that the floor is going to get wet and just put out yellow safety signs and mop up as best as they can.

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