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Spending many hours soaked in public

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Posted by Dolby1000 on June 29, 2024 at 18:13:47
from IP# Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

After reading the recent discussion of getting wet in your clothes in public, I’d thought I’d share my experience from earlier this week.
I went to Universal Studios in Florida as I am a passholder there and normally there are many wet opportunities.

Last year they closed the Curious George wet playground area. I had visited here many, many times to enjoy not only me getting soaked, but watching so many others get soaked as well, especially since shoes and shirts were required.
They recently reopened new area and it is now dedicated to Kung Fu Panda. The wetness play area has been significantly reduced. I’ve been there twice and it seems shirts and shoes are no longer required. The mostly kids I’ve seen play in the area are wearing conventional swimwear, boring.
I was there wearing my New Balance shoes, gray socks, my newer Levis (dark blue, I’ve have them for less than a month and this was like their 12th soaking), green boxer briefs and a gray t-shirt. For 90 minutes I tried to get as wet as possible while avoiding contact with any of the children. Since it is so small that was a challenge. Fortune smiled on me for a couple of minutes, no one was around, and I was able to get completely soaked. During this time, no one approached or tried to interact with me, which I was fine with.
Then, as mother nature is apt to do in Florida, a shower came through with lightning just close enough to shut everything down. That means nothing outdoors operating for at least 30 minutes and everyone had to leave.
I didn’t bother trying to shield myself from the rain, heck, I was already soaked and it only lasted 5 minutes. I decided on some dinner and went to the Burger place in Citywalk. I didn’t change, keeping my soaked shoes, socks, pants and shirts on. I ordered and ate my meal outside as the sun was already back out while still soaked. I wasn’t dripping wet but if you looked close enough you could tell I was wet. I don’t use cash at the theme parks, I used my slightly damp credit card, no one needed to touch it though.
After my dinner, everything had re-opened and I hit the rafting ride, going through 3 times in a row, still in my jeans, socks, shoes and shirt. Here there were people wearing all sorts of clothes, most of which got fully soaked, so it was fun. No one commented on my attire.
Still not ready to change, even though I had been soaked for many hours now, I stood in the splash zone of the Jurassic Park ride and then found a few poorly working splash pads to finish off my soakings. I was wet for 5 hours in my favorite clothes, and no one said anything.
The only reason I changed was that I wanted to ride a roller coaster and out of courtesy to my fellow guests, I didn’t want to leave my seat wet. When I got home, I quickly jumped in my pool soaking these clothes which were a pair of khaki shorts, black socks and black NB shoes and a theme park t-shirt.
All in all, a very fun, wet day and no one had a comment about anything.

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